Massachusetts Meanderings Videos at YouTube!

Well, it has taken awhile to get caught up on things since completing all my trips this past year.  I finally have been able to prepare and upload the videos of some of the cemeteries I visited when I was in Massachusetts.

Here are the videos I took on eight (8) of those cemeteries.  I was able to get them up and going on YouTube.  They are really overviews and if you want detail go to the photographs and the posts where I wrote about these cemeteries I visited on this blog: 

1. Palisado Cemetery, Windsor CT
2.  Evergreen in Winchester, New Hampshire
3. Burnham Cemetery, Montague, Franklin Co., MA
4. Springfield Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts
5. Middle Cemetery, Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA
6. Old Settlers Cemetery, Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA
7. Old Common Burial Field, Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA
8. Old Indian Cemetery, West Brookfield, Worcester Co., MA
Eventually I will put the video’s in a post in the Solomon Goss of Fearing Township in Ohio blog when I write about that part of the Goss history.  It will be awesome!

More photographs of the cemeteries are available on Picasa Web Albums by me.  If you use one of the cemetery names above and my first name you should be able to find them.  I will eventually add them to the Solomon Goss blog as I write posts that reference that cemetery. 

This post was updated 7/10/2012. 

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